Large format displays
Indoor displays are characterized by much higher resolutions than in the case of outdoor displays. It is dictated primarily by a slightly different field of exploitation. While in most cases outdoor displays are viewed from several dozen meters, in the case of indoor displays the distances are often less than 2 meters. Also, the type of displayed content can be quite specific, requiring high resolution due to the high detail of the image.
For this reason, the LED modules used by us for production have a resolution not higher than P3 (in some situations P4). Higher pixel density translates directly into higher display resolution.
Depending on the place of installation, or rather the distance from which the display will be viewed and the planned display size, we select the appropriate resolution of the modules.
Indoor displays can have any proportions, any orientation or work in sets of several or a dozen or so pieces, creating interesting synchronized compositions.
Price inquiry - Indoor display

inexLED P1 indoor
Pixel pitch (mm)
LED type
Module size (mm)
Module resolution
Number of pixels per 1m²
Brightness (cd/m²)
Scan mode
Refresh rate (Hz)
Optimal viewing distance (m)
Viewing angles (horizontal/vertical)
Average energy consumption (W/m²)
inexLED P1.25 indoor
Pixel pitch (mm)
LED type
Module size (mm)
Module resolution
Number of pixels per 1m²
Brightness (cd/m²)
Scan mode
Refresh rate (Hz)
Optimal viewing distance (m)
Viewing angles (horizontal/vertical)
Average energy consumption (W/m²)
inexLED P1.37 indoor
Pixel pitch (mm)
LED type
Module size (mm)
Module resolution
Number of pixels per 1m²
Brightness (cd/m²)
Scan mode
Refresh rate (Hz)
Optimal viewing distance (m)
Viewing angles (horizontal/vertical)
Average energy consumption (W/m²)
inexLED P1.53 indoor
Pixel pitch (mm)
LED type
Module size (mm)
Module resolution
Number of pixels per 1m²
Brightness (cd/m²)
Scan mode
Refresh rate (Hz)
Optimal viewing distance (m)
Viewing angles (horizontal/vertical)
Average energy consumption (W/m²)
inexLED P1.66 indoor
Pixel pitch (mm)
LED type
Module size (mm)
Module resolution
Number of pixels per 1m²
Brightness (cd/m²)
Scan mode
Refresh rate (Hz)
Optimal viewing distance (m)
Viewing angles (horizontal/vertical)
Average energy consumption (W/m²)
inexLED P1.86 indoor
Pixel pitch (mm)
LED type
Module size (mm)
Module resolution
Number of pixels per 1m²
Brightness (cd/m²)
Scan mode
Refresh rate (Hz)
Optimal viewing distance (m)
Viewing angles (horizontal/vertical)
Average energy consumption (W/m²)
inexLED P2 indoor
Pixel pitch (mm)
LED type
Module size (mm)
Module resolution
Number of pixels per 1m²
Brightness (cd/m²)
Scan mode
Refresh rate (Hz)
Optimal viewing distance (m)
Viewing angles (horizontal/vertical)
Average energy consumption (W/m²)
inexLED P2.5 indoor
Pixel pitch (mm)
LED type
Module size (mm)
Module resolution
Number of pixels per 1m²
Brightness (cd/m²)
Scan mode
Refresh rate (Hz)
Optimal viewing distance (m)
Viewing angles (horizontal/vertical)
Average energy consumption (W/m²)
inexLED P3 indoor
Pixel pitch (mm)
LED type
Module size (mm)
Module resolution
Number of pixels per 1m²
Brightness (cd/m²)
Scan mode
Refresh rate (Hz)
Optimal viewing distance (m)
Viewing angles (horizontal/vertical)
Average energy consumption (W/m²)
inexLED P4 indoor
Pixel pitch (mm)
LED type
Module size (mm)
Module resolution
Number of pixels per 1m²
Brightness (cd/m²)
Scan mode
Refresh rate (Hz)
Optimal viewing distance (m)
Viewing angles (horizontal/vertical)
Average energy consumption (W/m²)
Energy efficiency
Energy consumption of the display was successfully reduced by over 50% with the use of state-of-the-art SMD LEDs and energy-saving control systems.
Highest quality
InexLED-T displays are produced of the highest quality components to make the displayed images uniform and legible.
Ease of service
Only a small part (a single module) of the display can be replaced in case of failure thanks to the modular design of the LED display.

Witryna sklepu Gagliardi
Dedykowany ekran P2.5 zainstalowany w witrynie sklepu Gagliardi zlokalizowanego w Galerii Młociny w Warszawie.

Ekran recepcyjny P2.5 UltraBlack
Instalcaja ekranu na ścianie recepcji Domu Mediowego GroupONE robi piorunujące wrażenie. Wysoka gęstość piksela w połączeniu z technologią UltraBlack sprawia, że prezentowane na ekranie obrazy są bardzo realistyczne.

Ekran P4 w naszej recepcji
Nietypowe proporcje ekranu zainstalowanego w siedzibie naszej firmy sprawiają, że robi on niesamowite wrażenie.